We are leaders because we are:
  • The first company in Eastern Europe certified for best practices in email marketing
  • The first and only Romanian company involved in the international community of email marketing service providers, a member of OTA (Online Trust Alliance) that fights against online fraud and email abuse with the goal of generating a higher level of consumer and business trust and protection, and a member of EEC (Email Experience Council)
  • The first Romanian company to use anti-spam email marketing solutions
  • The first Romanian company approved by Yahoo! and Verizon for using spam-free solutions
The only studies on the effectiveness of newsletters conducted in Romania:
  • Inbox Review 2012: Developments in Email Marketing
  • INSIDE 2011, 6th Edition: Trends in Email Marketing for 2010-2011
  • Inbox Review 2010 - The Most Used Email Clients in Romania
  • How Newsletters Were Read in 2009
  • How Newsletters Were Read in 2008
  • Inbox Design INSIDE 2008 - Study on the Distribution of Email Clients Used in Romania
  • How Newsletters Were Read in 2007
  • How Newsletters Were Read in 2006
  • How Newsletters Were Read in 2005
  • Email Usage Habits in Romania, 2004
  • Analysis of Email Communication by Romanian Companies, 2004
We have continuously innovated and provided the market with integrated tools to increase campaign efficiency.
We are here to help you take your business to the next level!